Blog > Tying the Knot > #6

Tying the Knot #6

: An Unforeseen Delight

Matthew + Leah

Imagine the anticipation before finally meeting someone you’ve been bonding with merely through text messages. The butterflies in your stomach multiplying when they walk towards you, the realization that they’re the one you’d want to imagine your entire future with. Read about our next couple from Hawaii and their story on how they came to tie the knot.

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“After walking Leah to her car, Matthew had a feeling
he was going to fall in love with her.”

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Q. How did you guys first meet and fall in love?

A. We met on the dating app Hinge. We said, “Hi,” but didn’t really start talking for a week or two. Our online conversations became more frequent and deeper and we knew we had to meet in person. Our first date was for coffee and pastries at the beach. When we first saw each other from across the beach, we smiled and walked toward each other, faster, and faster, and before we knew it we were sort of jogging toward each other. We sat on the beach and began talking and talking and talking. All of a sudden we were sunburned and had easily talked away five and a half hours. Our conversation was so easy-flowing and vulnerable. Matthew was in grad school at the time so he had to get home and write a paper, otherwise, we would have stayed on that beach for a few more hours. After walking Leah to her car, Matthew had a feeling he was going to fall in love with her.

“Leah made Matthew promise not to propose in Scotland, but we are both so glad that we got engaged in Edinburgh.”

Q. How did you know you wanted to marry each other and who wanted to tie the knot first?

A. Well, very early on we talked about our intentions, our goals, and what family would look like to each of us. We both definitely agreed that we wanted to be married and that we were dating to marry. Matthew secretly wanted to get married first. He told his parents within a month that he had found his person, but he wanted to play it cool. Or at least he tried to! Leah actually first brought up the idea of getting engaged after her sisters teased that Matthew would propose on our trip to Scotland. Matthew, although definitely already falling deeply in love with Leah, kind of freaked out and voiced that maybe we were moving too fast. But in reality, Matthew was a bit overwhelmed by how lucky he’d been to find his person so quickly after exiting a long relationship. So, Leah made Matthew promise not to propose in Scotland, but we are both so glad that we got engaged in Edinburgh.

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“As far as the Hexagon Calista ring, we love the simplicity of the setting and also how the white marquise diamonds make the salt & pepper center stone pop. Leah says she doesn’t think she’ll ever look at another person’s ring and like it more than her own.”

Q. What did you choose Hiddenspace, how did you hear about us, and what made you decide on this specific ring?

A. We knew that Leah wanted a unique engagement ring. Something like a Salt & Pepper Diamond or a Moss Agate so we both began to scour the internet for the coolest most unique rings. Leah found a ring on Pinterest and Matthew took a screenshot of it and did a Google Image search leading him to Hiddenspace’s Etsy and Instagram. Hiddenspace designs are far and away the hippest and most unique on the internet. We loved that we were able to choose from a wide array of unique stones, like Salt & Pepper Diamonds. We found them on other sites but not with the variety and quality that Hiddenspace offers. Also, Jay was so helpful and responsive when he and Matthew were designing the ring together. His renderings were high quality and produced quickly. Hiddenspace has a very mom & pops vibe that we love. As far as the Hexagon Calista ring, we love the simplicity of the setting and also how the white marquise diamonds make the salt & pepper center stone pop. The ring has an Art Deco feel that we love. Leah says she doesn’t think she’ll ever look at another person’s ring and like it more than her own.

“We still aren’t sure if we actually walked or if we floated there on love.”

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Q. Tell us about the proposal & the details of the wedding. How did you feel? How did it go?

A. Well, after promising not to propose in Scotland, Matthew decided a few days later that he had to propose in Scotland. Scotland was our first big trip together and proposing toward the beginning of the trip would give us a fairytale engagement moon. After waffling between a few spots, Matthew decided he would propose on Circus Lane (Google it, it’s beautiful!) in Edinburgh. Leah had mentioned that she always wanted engagement photos, so Matthew found a wonderful photographer through Airbnb Experiences (@the_effie_). She was easy to work with and she and Matthew came up with a plan so that she could capture our moment without Leah knowing. On the morning of the proposal, we walked to Circus Lane which was supposed to be “on our way” to high tea (but our tea date was actually next door to our hotel!). When we turned down Circus Lane, Leah said, “this is beautiful, but are we going the right way?” Once we got to the perfect spot, Matthew dropped to one knee and proposed. It seemed like time stopped and we were the only people on Earth. Leah was so excited she actually took the ring out of the box and put it on her own finger! An enthusiastic ‘YES!’ We then walked to Dean Village and the Water of Leith with our photographer to take some engagement photos. We still aren’t sure if we actually walked or if we floated there on love.

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“Leah admitted she was so excited during the proposal that she basically blacked out and had no idea what Matthew said. So, Matthew re-proposed and we were both in tears. [...]
It was the perfect end to a perfect day.”

Q. Describe your romantic night or the most romantic day you guys have ever shared.

A. Our most romantic day was definitely the day we got engaged. After the proposal and photo session, we headed to The Dome for Edinburgh’s most romantic high tea with a champagne toast (thanks mom and dad!). After that, we went back to Le Monde hotel (highly recommended) to change into some more comfortable clothes. In our hotel room, Leah admitted she was so excited during the proposal that she basically blacked out and had no idea what Matthew said. So, Matthew re-proposed and we were both in tears. It was very romantic. We spent the day walking around Edinburgh’s Old Town, popping in and out of secret garden closes, museums, and cathedrals. That night we went to The Witchery for dinner. The restaurant is in a building built in 1595 just a short walk from Edinburgh Castle. It’s uber romantic, lit only by candlelight. The restaurant definitely has a gothic vibe with red leather booths, century-old china, brass candelabras, and low wooden ceilings adorned with gold filigree and stone gothic sculptures. It was the perfect end to a perfect day.

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“Don’t try to ‘win’ arguments. Prioritize romance and affection. Build rich lives independent from the relationship, too. Love every day.”

Q. Any advice to future couples? Anything else you’d like to share with the world?

A. Listen to each other. Always be honest and vulnerable. Support each other. Don’t try to “win” arguments. Create an environment of safety for your relationship. Don’t forget to be best friends. Let go of conflict after it’s over. Prioritize romance and affection. Build rich lives independent from the relationship, too. Honor your bond and partnership. Love every day.

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Arranged by

Jamie Han


Matthew @m.g.martin

Leah @haikuleah

Photographer @the_effie_

Discover the Ring

Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds on model's hand.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds on model'shand.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds with matching band.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds with matching band.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds with matching band.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds with matching band on model's hand.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds on model's hand.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds on model'shand.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds with matching band.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds with matching band.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds with matching band.
Art deco minimalistic hexagon salt and pepper diamond engagement ring in 14k rose gold with six smaller marquise diamonds with matching band on model's hand.

Hexagon Calista Ring

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