Blog > Tying the Knot > #2

Tying the Knot #2

: Love is Just One Magical Coincidence Away

Hugh + Jena

How far would you go to be with someone who could potentially be the love of your life? This beautiful couple from Maryland has such a vivid love story and is the epitome of “love knows no limits.” Read about the dynamic details of what it took them to tie the knot and keep in mind that love will always find a way. 


“I needed to see this guy, again. ”


Q. How did you guys meet and fall in love?

A. We met at a party in Frostburg, hosted by a mutual friend of ours. We clicked instantly and spent the whole night having a great time together... until a small road bump happened. A car full of guys called Hugh over to their car, and when he leaned in to hear what they had to say, the car took off, dragging Hugh with them down the street. The street was full of ambulances and police cars. No one knew how bad of a shape Hugh was in because only a few people actually saw it happen. I (Jena) was in my friend's house really hoping Hugh wasn't dead, because I knew I needed to see this guy, again. Fate must've thought kindly of us for some reason because Hugh ended up needing 9 staples in his head, but otherwise walked away unscathed. Hugh: "Then, I tracked down your number so I could see you once I was out of the hospital." He came to the smoothie place where I worked with staples still in just to say, "Hey, remember me? I'm alive!" And we have never looked back.

“I knew I wanted to marry you the night I first told you I was in love with you."


Q. How did you know you wanted to marry each other & who wanted to tie the knot first?

A. We both felt that once-in-a-lifetime, deep and vivid, true friendship kind of love from the beginning.

[Hugh] I knew I wanted to marry you the night I first told you that I was in love with you. You didn't believe me!

[Jena] That was pretty early on, are you sure?"

[Hugh] Positive. Not sure what took you so long!

“Hugh used to study architecture and was impressed by the architecturally inspired designs. [...] When I saw the Maeve ring for the first time, I knew she had to be the one.”


Q. Why did you choose Hiddenspace and what made you decide on this specific ring?

A. I (Jena) knew I wanted a unique engagement ring for years now. Keeping with my Aquarius nature I never wanted my ring to look like everyone else's. I wanted it to look like us. I found Hiddenspace on Instagram and immediately fell in love with their jewelry. Hugh used to study architecture and was impressed by the architecturally inspired designs. The shapes and angles make each piece so beautiful and truly one of a kind. The moss agate stones caught our eye because of their whimsical, fae-like beauty and deep connection to nature. When I saw the Maeve ring for the first time, I knew she had to be the one.

“We both knew that we couldn’t sit on this half-secret for much longer. [...] He wanted that ring on my finger.”


Q. Tell us about the proposal.

A. Our proposal was simple but beautiful. We were in the home that we share, holding each other in bed. Since Hugh has just had surgery on his hip, he couldn't exactly bend down on one knee. Also, I (Jena) happened to see that Hiddenspace posted the exact ring I wanted on their Instagram page. I even recognized the Moss Agate center stone as one that Hugh had showed me a week or two earlier. I could feel it in my heart that this was my ring, but of course I didn't want to ruin the surprise. We both knew that we couldn't sit on this half-secret for much longer, so Hugh decided that he couldn't wait for his hip to heal, he wanted that ring on my finger.

“We toasted to our future and giggled about our sunburns. If magic is real, we think that was it.”


Q. Describe your romantic night or the most romantic day you guys have ever shared.

A. Last year we took a trip to Turks and Caicos with my (Jena's) family. Immediately (by day 1 I think) Hugh had a romantic dinner planned and even knew where he wanted to take me. The night finally came and we went to the most beautiful oceanfront resort and had dinner in a small private bungalow overlooking Grace Bay. We watched the sunset over sparkling blue water that stretches for miles. We toasted to our future and giggled about our sunburns. If magic is real, we think that was it.

“Hold on tight to each other when things get rough.”


Q. Any advice to future couples? Anything else you’d like to share with the world?

A. [Hugh] Be nice. Talk to each other.

[Jena] Laugh as much and as often as you can. Hold on tight to each other when things get rough.

Arranged by

Jamie Han


Hugh @hughthomass

Jena @jenablair_

Photography @stephanieconner70_ 

Discover the Ring


Maeve Ring (Moss Agate)

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